This is is a piece I wrote in a recent writing class. The brief was to write an encouraging…
I feel like a spiritual schizophrenic. I am the wee scared self (wss) who needs her plans. I am the…
This feels like the bravest post I have done to date. I have written about the spiritual experiences I have…
Quiet is the gift I found at the bottom of the abyss of despair. Its only voice is "there is…
In Little Gidding, T.S. Eliot wrote: “We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will…
I am learning to be honest but the journey is not an easy one. Girls are not taught to…
I recently joined a writing class called Write into Light run by Martha Beck. write-into-light My first submission was a…
As part of the investigations into the cause of the mini-strokes I had in December, it was discovered that my…